Are you ready to take care of yourself FIRST in the same way you already take care of your loved ones or friends (with glory not guilt)?
- Have you found that you’re unable to carve out even a moment in the day to call your own to relax?
- Have you thought about how easy it would be to slow down and take care of yourself, and then find that this thought never quite makes it to the top of your “to do” list?
- Are you tired of feeling exhausted and stressed at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of your day (…and maybe all through the day)?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’re in the right place. No matter how much you’ve struggled in the past, I know you can create the breath, space, and sanctuary that you desire and require!
Let me show you how…
I specialize in working with stressed out multi-tasking women and men (just like you!) to help them successfully make self-care a priority without sacrificing an already busy schedule.
My Healthcare Starts with Self-Care Program is not your typical self-care program. Instead, it’s a program that focuses on your unique circumstances and creates an individualized plan that includes all aspects of your life (eating, exercising, sleeping, relaxing, and relationships) with an easy to navigate approach –that you can stick with for the long-term!
I will coach you through a process that has worked for me, and in hundreds of my client sessions.
If you’re interested in learning more about working with me, schedule a FREE Create More Calm Consultation.
During this session we’ll discuss your vision for your health, some of the obstacles that stand in your way, and how I can help you implement simple and effective relaxation strategies so you can exhale and have more energy.