Deep down, do you know there must be a way to co-exist more peacefully with your “work self” and your “home self” without having to choose one over the other?

  • Do you know you want to make more time for yourself to enjoy the life you’ve worked hard to create but don’t know how?
  • Are you overwhelmed by the long list of “shoulds” in your life that zap your strength and energy?
  • Have you had trouble being successful before and found you couldn’t do it alone?

I’m here to help.

I specialize in helping stressed out multi-tasking women and men just like you to help them successfully make self-care a priority so they can finally exhale stress and inhale the energy necessary to conquer any challenge with patience, perspective, and positivity.

What you can expect

When you work with me the focus will be about identifying the positive skills you already have in place (and may be overlooking), the beneficial tools you are already using (and have forgotten), and I’ll help you give yourself permission to quiet any judgment that might show up. As your coach, I will help to amplify all of the things you are doing well, and I will guide you toward setting SMART (Specific, Measureable, Actionable/Attainable, Realistic, Time-sensitive) goals to bring the success you want most to fruition. Yes, there will be homework to do, and new tools to test out, though this is the work that you will enjoy and have fun doing because it will be about creating more energy, relaxation, and joy in your life.

Are you curious about how working with me can help you?

I invite you to schedule a FREE Create More Calm Consultation call with me.

Schedule your FREE
Create More Calm Consultation

My Offerings

You have 2 powerful options to choose from.

Healthcare Starts with Self-Care

This is a powerful 30-day program that is designed to start you on the path toward more easily identifying and implementing self-care strategies to help you reduce stress, minimize overwhelm, and quieting the “shoulds” in your life.

This is perfect for you if…

  • You want a quick jumpstart to better health with less stress
  • You want an easy, results-oriented approach
  • You are looking for 1:1 individualized attention to ensure unique success.
  • You are ready to make self-care a priority.

Conquering Calm over Chaos

This is a robust 90-day program that will help you create your unique tools toward inhaling more energy and exhaling the overwhelming feelings you may have (and don’t need). We will test some tools, and solidify simple exercises that you can live with (more calmly and successfully) for the long-term.
This is perfect for you if…

  • You are ready to commit to making self-care a priority…for the long-term.
  • You want to “crack the code” of YOU so you can live your best self today, tomorrow,
    and into the future.
  • You are looking for 1:1 individualized attention to ensure unique success.
  • You want an easy, results-oriented approach

Interested in working together,
and you want to chat first?

Schedule your FREE
Create More Calm Consultation